How to tell if you have quality hemp oil?

How to tell if you have quality hemp oil?

Although it may be less expensive to buy hemp oil from China or India these products are not tested for purities or quality of the Hemp Oil.  Strains from outside the US or Europe are not genetically produced for high CBD content.  Because it isn’t tested and regulated like the US and Europe, we can’t be sure it wasn’t sourced from marijuana which could mean it could have a higher content of THC then the .03% allowed by law.  To be sure you are getting a quality CBD Oil research the companies. One of most important things you will need to know is, does the company do third party testing and are the lab reports available?  Most companies post the results of their testing.

Here at CBD N’ Stuff LLC we only work with companies that do third party testing with the results available to the public.  CBD Mother Nature’s Way of Feeling Better...